Free Consultation +234 911 434 8968

Therapy Services

Access Our Therapy Services

Welcome to Hisparadise Therapy! We are dedicated to providing a seamless and comfortable therapeutic experience for all our clients.

What we do

We are committed to providing compassionate care and transformative results.

Individual Therapy

Our dedicated therapists provide one-on-one counseling to help individuals overcome a range of personal challenges

Couples Therapy

Strengthen your relationship and build a deeper connection with our specialized couples therapy sessions.

Family Therapy

We work with families to address conflicts, improve communication, and foster healthier relationships.

Trauma Therapy

Our therapists employ evidence-based techniques like cognitive restructuring to support individuals

Group Therapy

Our professionally facilitated groups focus on various topics such as anxiety management, grief support, and addiction recovery.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Our therapists utilize CBT techniques to help individuals develop adaptive coping skills and achieve their therapy goals.

Mindfulness-Based Therapy

Our therapists guide clients in developing mindfulness skills to reduce stress, and foster overall emotional well-being.

Career Counseling

Our therapists provide guidance in areas such as resume building, job search strategies, and career transition support.

Pre-Marital Counseling

Our therapists guide couples in addressing potential areas of conflict, enhancing communication and conflict resolution skills